Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Interesting House Design, Don't You Think?

I remember telling fellow blogger Adam (when he was away on his trip and blogging about the interesting houses he observed in Canada)  about a very cool house around the block from me.  Today I hopped on a bike and went over to photograph it.

I really like the design of this house and find it very different and interesting.  One thing I couldn't help noticing as I looked over the photo was an image in the right hand window.  Was someone looking out the window as I snapped the picture, or was it a....



  1. Wow, that's a gorgeous house! I love the "tower." :D

    Most houses in England are so very dull... :(


  2. Yes, I love the tower, too. That is very rare around here to see something like that. Imagine a kid living there saying, "My bedroom is in the tower."

  3. I'd love to live in a tower. ;-)


  4. Ooh, I just got shivers. I can see the white dress? Very spooky, and fascinating at the same time.

    Love the house! It's got great character. Does anyone live in it now?

  5. Hi Janna!

    Yes, someone lives there now.

  6. Gorgeous house! I say go back for another photo and see what pops up. ;)
