Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Away today but with you in spirit

I am away today in Mystic, Connecticut celebrating my 55th birthday.

It's a beautiful day here, we're right on the water, the sun is shining and we're just about to go for lunch.

I couldn't ask for a nicer day.

I didn't sleep much last night--too noisy outside. It reminds me of my trip to New York City--the city that never sleeps.

Unfortunately I forgot my camera so when I go back to Rhode Island I'll have to post some descriptive photos.

Have a nice day and I'll talk to you later!


  1. Happy, blesed birthday! I will be 55 in August--you can tell me how you like it, okay?

    Audience of ONE and
    Army of Ermas

  2. Thank you for the happy birthdays!

    Jeanette: They say age is just a number. I hated turning 50, but I got over it and I'm okay with my age now.

    After seeing Betty White interviewed I was so impressed. She is 88, I think, and still going strong. Amazing.
